
New York State DOT Region 10, D031245 – Misc. Traffic & Safety Design and Integration Services — INFORM 2014 to 2019

A five   year contract providing Traffic Engineering Services for improvements and   design LIE_EB_Exit35_VMS1to the INFORM Traffic Management System on I-495, Northern State   Parkway, Southern State Parkway, Route 27, Route 24 and Route 25.  The freeway system includes design and   integration of elements such as Ethernet based fiber-optic network, 200   VMS, 175 CCTV, 2000 freeway detectors, 70 ramp metering stations, over-height vehicle   detection, and Travel Time Signs via E-Z Pass Transmit and wi-fi device monitoring   system.  The arterial system   involves investigation of problems for the more OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAthan 200 signals, including   both capacity & safety issues.    Study, collect and analyze data, recommend improvements, modify   corridor and signal timing using Synchro, develop intersection modification   plans including traffic signal design.



New York State DOT Region 10, C030791 – Operation of INFORM Traffic Management System Services, 2013 – 2018.

Wiley Engineering is sub to Parsons Brinckerhoff on this project to provide the HELP_In_Actionmanagement and inspection of the HELP trucks operating in Nassau and Suffolk Counties. In addition Wiley provides coordination efforts for the downstate Regions 8, 10 and 11 DOTs as well as other stakeholders of the INFORM system.



New York State DOT Region 11, D031498 and D031499  ITS Projects — Maintenance Support Services and Field Reconnaisance Surveys on State highways in the five Boroughs of New York City, 2017 to 2022.

Wiley Engineering is a subconsultant providing assistance to the prime consultant in the OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAmaintenance aspects of the ITS equipment. The work includes field reconnaissance and verifications of as-built drawings, collection of system and equipment documentation, identifying substitution equipment, designing retrofits for obsolete equipment, developing trouble-shooting procedures, and liaison for the Department with utility providers and equipment manufacturers.

Wiley Engineering works with field service and JTMC operations personnel to investigate field and central equipment failures, diagnoses problems on an off site, and provide solutions to the system on both short and long term bases. Wiley also works with the prime consultant and the other consultants to identify equipment discontinuation and obsolescence and to make recommendations on upgrades, replacements, and one-time-buys to ensure availabilities of spare parts for the system. Wiley Engineering attends regular “Technology Exchange” meetings with other Region 11 consultants to assure all equipment to operate smoothly in the system level.

Nassau County DPW, PW-H6200002E – Traffic Management Center Operations, sub to Greenman-Pedersen, Inc., 2013 – On-going

The Traffic Management Center (TMC) consists of control of over 900 traffic signals throughout Nassau County utilizing Siemens Actra control software. The TMC has the Ashley - 6ability to control all aspects of the traffic signal controller including signal timing, splits and offsets. In addition, the TMC will have control of over 100 traffic incident management surveillance cameras utilizing Teleste control software. Problems identified utilizing the traffic incident management cameras, vehicle speed sensors, public safety radio communications, or telephone calls can initiate the adjustment of traffic signal timing in order to reduce vehicular congestion and delays.

Operations personnel, upon identifications of problems along County roadways, take the appropriate actions to address the issue such as notification of emergency services, public NassauCounty_TMCworks, and/or making the appropriate adjustments to the area traffic signals. Efforts include coordination of information between office, administrative and field personnel with other State, County and local agencies to mitigate traffic congestion issues.

Operation personnel also analyze existing traffic signal timing and coordination to determine the need for adjustment, ensure proper back-up and archive of traffic signal timing, speed data, and video as needed, coordinate planned and un-planned roadway and traffic events, dispatch maintenance or supervisory staff as needed to address signal, camera or communications deficiencies, and perform traffic signal and intelligent transportation systems related work such as timing plan modification, signal coordination, travel time study analysis and synchro analysis.

Nassau County DPW, H62190C – Signal Head Replacement on Peninsula Boulevard 2005 to 2010.

Redesign of forty-eight (48) signalized intersection on Peninsula Boulevard.  Design elements included all LED signal heads, 2070L controllers with 332/336 cabinets, KONICA MINOLTA DIGITAL CAMERApedestrian countdown timers, fiber optic interconnect and a comprehensive Ethernet/IP communications layout. Wiley designers produced new specifications and details for the County that support and incorporate the upgraded features of  the County’s proposed Traffic Management Center Traffic Signal Software ACTRA, being provided by Siemens.

Nassau County DPW, H62562C Incident Management Phase 2, Peninsula Boulevard 2009 to 2011

Design of a 16 camera CCTV system and a 4 travel time sign system to be integrated to the  ?????????????????????????????County’s Incident Management System via the County’s fiber optic communications network. The work included site surveys and reconnaissance work at each equipment cabinet and node cabinet and in the County’s TMC. set of plans, specifications and cost estimates were generated. A set of plans, specifications and cost estimates has been delivered.

Nassau County DPW, H62563 Incident Management Phase 3, Merrick Road 2010-2012

Design of a 26 camera CCTV system to be integrated to the County’s Incident Management  Merric & CentralSystem via the County’s fiber optic communications network. The work included site surveys and reconnaissance work at each equipment cabinet and node cabinet and in the County’s TMC. A set of plans, specifications and cost estimates were generated. 



Nassau County DPW, CQPL06000005 – Traffic Signal Progression Project, 2006 -2009

Under this major signal timing analysis project, Wiley was tasked with improving the signal coordination for the entire controlled length of Merrick Road between the CQPL_Nassau_CtyQueens/Nassau border and the Nassau/Suffolk border.  Some of the tasks included under this project were turning movement counts at selected intersections, field visits to each intersection to observe signal timing, condition of signal controller and detector operation, travel time runs and use of PASSER and Synchro software applications.  The resulting report will recommend signal operation modifications to improve the overall signal progression along the Merrick Road corridor.

Suffolk County DPW, CP0756.72 Closed Loop Signal System Project – Various Locations on County Roads 2004 – Ongoing

Wiley Engineering is sub to GPI on this long term project. The project involves data Test Station2bcollection, closed loop system design, signal plan and signal timing development with field implementations, and  maintenance and operations feasibility studies. Wiley’s primary tasks are: 1) Controller Programming/Testing – programming the 2070 type controllers for each project intersection, fully testing with simulators before deployment and supervising field installations and integrations. 2) OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAPerforming maintenance and operations studies of various towns within the county, NYSDOT’s INFORM, and Nassau County and preparing a report for the maintenance and operations of the closed loop system.

Suffolk County DPW, CP5497 Engineering Services in Conjunction with Pedestrian Safety and Intersection Improvements on CR 97, Nicolls Road at NYS Route 25A, Town of Brookhaven, 2013 – 2014

Wiley Engineering was sub to L K McLean Associates Engineers & Surveyors, PC on this PavementMarkingAndSignproject. Wiley’s responsibilities were MPT and Construction Staging Plans, Pavement Marking Details, and Signage Plans.




Connecticut DOT, I-84 Incident Management System, 2000 – On-going

Wiley Engineering is sub to Ammann & Whitney on this project and is responsible for the design, construction support, and integration of I-84bthe ten-mile Incident Management System (IMS) on I-84 from Washington   Avenue (in Waterbury) to Marion Avenue (in Southington).  The system components include twelve Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) cameras, five Variable Message Signs (VMS), and twenty-two RTMS freeway detection locations.  Specific work elements include utility coordination for conflicts and power drops, conduit runs, hand holes and pullboxes, equipment installation details, schematic details, specifications, and cost construction estimates.  Wiley is developing the fiber-optic communication system that will connect the ITS equipment with the Central Control Site in Newington.

City of Poughkeepsie, D030564 – Transit Hub Design, sub to Urban Engineers, 2012.

Communications designs associated with the information kiosk, revenue collection systems. This project won the 2015 American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) New York Silver Award in the category of Transportation.







Stony Brook University, Evaluation of Traffic Safety Improvements at Various Campus Locations, 2006

Wiley Engineering first reviewed all previously submitted plans and documents pertaining to traffic and safety improvements in the subject areas and then observed the existing traffic and pedestrian patterns at various locations at different times including walking speeds, gaps in traffic, conflicts with vehicles, understanding and compliance with existing control devices and OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAexhibited pedestrian behaviors (running, stopping looking etc.).  Included in the review were the existing local posted speed limits and actual prevailing vehicle speeds as they relate to pedestrian safety. We also performed pedestrian volume counts at various locations and times, and reviewed the existing traffic signal operation at Health Sciences Drive and HSC III and made recommendations on signal upgrades and revisions to speed limits.